Geelong is one of Australia’s fastest growing regional cities. It is expected that many more people will choose to live and work in the region and central Geelong by 2050. The Victorian Government is planning for a vibrant and liveable city centre to support that growth over time.

To achieve this, the Victorian Government has prepared the Central Geelong Framework Plan – A plan for the heart of Djilang (2023) (Framework Plan) and implemented a comprehensive suite of planning controls as part of Amendment C431ggee to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme.

The Framework Plan is a long-term strategic plan to support growth and appropriate change in central Geelong to 2050. It will support central Geelong’s transition into a modern, connected, liveable, prosperous and environmentally sustainable place across nine interconnected precincts.

Aerial photo of central Geelong and the waterfront

The Framework Plan enables a central city that provides jobs, services and key destinations for the regions rapidly growing community. It provides direction for significant growth while protecting the amenity and unique qualities of central Geelong through new planning controls and guidelines for building design. Continued improvements to the city’s streets and public spaces are set out in the Framework Plan, as are actions for the improvement of public transport.

Through high quality urban design and appropriate protections against excessive overshadowing and better protection for heritage buildings, central Geelong will maintain and enhance its urban amenity and unique character.

The Framework Plan has been informed by Wadawurrung Traditional Owners, the City of Greater Geelong, the Geelong Authority, land holders, the broader community and advice from an independent Advisory Committee appointed by the former Minister for Planning. It is a key milestone in the delivery of the landmark Revitalising Central Geelong Action Plan complementing projects already happening across the city, including the next stages of the Malop Street Green Spine, the Arts and Culture precinct, laneway breakthroughs, the future Exhibition and Convention Centre and other projects through the Geelong City Deal.

The Framework Plan will be monitored and reviewed over time to ensure it continues to deliver the necessary growth and development expectations for central Geelong to deliver a modern and functional city centre.

Page last updated: 01/03/23